It’s not easy being a teenager or raising a teenager. Our Student Ministry is designed to come alongside parents to teach students in grades 6-12 about God’s Word and how to apply it to their lives as they navigate through this crucial time of their development. Reach out to John Mlagan, our Student Pastor, if you have any questions.

6th-12th graders. We meet on Sunday nights from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the ABLAZE Barn – just North of BCS High School building; look for our logo! It includes strong Bible teaching, small groups,  delicious snacks, fun games, and a good time hanging out with friends. We have various other events throughout the year to give our students plenty of opportunities to get involved.

Click here for the '25 Spring/Summer Calendar!

Upcoming Schedule:

Feb. 2 - Youth Group

Feb. 9 - OFF (Super Bowl)

Feb. 16 - Youth Group

Feb. 21 (Friday) - NERF WARS!

Feb. 28 - Youth Group

Section Title


Principles of Youth Ministry

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Student Safety

Parkside Bible Church has established policies and procedures to assure a safe and secure environment for each of the students to whom we minister. Maintaining this high level of safety and security requires the cooperation of parents, staff, and volunteers. All of our youth workers have undergone criminal background checks and regularly receive training about our child and youth protection policy. Feel free to contact John Mlagan with any questions you may have about this area of utmost importance.