4 Discipleship


Disciples learn from Jesus to become like Jesus. The strategies below will help you maximize the series in Mark’s Gospel. 

As we embody these together, we’ll continue to see a Culture of Discipleship growing at Parkside.

  • This may feel intimidating, but the book was actually meant to be read as a whole. Reading the whole thing out loud will take less time than a movie or a sports game. You may consider finding a relaxing, outdoor location while the weather is nice. Be sure to invite a few friends!

  • You may benefit from using a different colored highlighter to mark each section heading based on the major theme of that section. A Scripture journal is a helpful tool for this idea.

    1. Identity of Jesus
    2. Mission of Jesus
    3. Call to follow Jesus
  • We’ll spend eight months in Mark’s Gospel. This memorization plan allows you to memorize 2-3 passages per month. You can maximize the discipleship opportunity by memorizing these passages with a brother or sister in your Sunday School class or Community Group. 

    1.  Mark 1:9-11
    2. Mark 1:14-15
    3. Mark 2:16-17
    4. Mark 4:26-29
    5. Mark 4:39-41
    6. Mark 5:19b-20
    7. Mark 6:34
    8. Mark 7:6-9
    9. Mark 8:34-38
    10. Mark 9:23-24
    11. Mark 9:35
    12. Mark 9:43-48
    13. Mark 10:6-10
    14. Mark 10:14-15
    15. Mark 10:45
    16. Mark 11:17
    17. Mark 12:29-31
    18. Mark 12:41-44
    19. Mark 15:37-39
    20. Mark 16:6-7
  • Sometimes we have a hard time talking about our faith with unbelievers. Simply inviting them to read the Bible allows God’s Word to do the talking! A recent study showed that 61% of unbelievers in America who are in their 20s would read the Bible with a friend if they were asked. If you are interested in this idea but unsure of the details, consult with “One to One Bible Reading” for a quick tutorial.

Additional Resources

These resources will further help your growth in following Jesus. Each of these will be available in

The Bookstore at the back of the auditorium or click on the image for to be directed to Amazon.

  • Mark Scripture Journals

    These are a great way to immerse yourself in one book of the Bible at a time with plenty of space for notes as you go.

    Type content here...

  • Jesus the King

    This book contains sermons from Timothy Keller on most of the main sections of Mark and is a wonderful book for understanding Jesus in this Gospel account.

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  • One to One Bible Reading

    This book helps regular, everyday Christians catch a vision for growing as Christians by simply reading the Bible with unbelievers and fellow-Christians.

    Type content here...

The Follow Up: Podcast series

Join Pastor John, Kasey, and Justin each week as they look back at the passage from Sunday morning and further discuss what is on their hearts from the Gospel of Mark! 

You can find this series wherever you listen to the "Parkside Sermon Audio" Podcast! Episodes will be released on Wednesdays during this sermon series on Mark.

Click here to subscribe on iTunes.