The wisdom challenge

The Wisdom Challenge is a 5-week focus to put on the wisdom of God and to put off the voices of the world. This will take place from September 27 to October 31. The Challenge encourages you to take a break from things like social media or anything that can be a distraction from hearing God’s wisdom during difficult times. With the extra time, you can focus on one of the three Proverbs reading plans provided. As Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

JOin us for the wisdom Challenge!


Reading Plans

Instead of turning to worldly sources during this time, we encourage you to turn to the wisdom of Scripture as your guide. The main way of doing this is by immersing ourselves in the book of Proverbs. There are three different reading plans that we recommend, which you can download below:

#1: The Daily Proverb: Just read one Proverb a day and make it through the book of Proverbs easily in just 30 days.

#2: Proverbs by Topic: Read through the book of Proverbs topic by topic.

#3: Immersion in Proverbs: This reading program is for the person that really wants to dive deep into Proverbs. In this plan, you will read through the book once a week. 

Download the Reading Plans: Reading_Plans_Download.pdf

Social media posts

A large part of the wisdom challenge includes a social media fast from September 27 to October 31. We encourage you to do this along with us! Here are some pictures you can download to post on your social media to tell everyone you are taking a break, and encourage them to join you!

Orange Social Media: Orange_Social_Media.jpg

Blue Social Media: Blue_Social_Media.jpg

Facebook Banner: Facebook_banner.jpg

Twitter Banner: Twitter_banner.jpg

We hope you'l join us!